Wednesday, November 4, 2009

October 26, 2009

Hola family, That is awesome that you were able to listen to Elder Eyring, he has got an amazing spirit, no. Hey those are some great fotos of the haloween party, looks like ya`ll had some fun. I can`t wait till I get to participate. The leadership meeting was good, Antofagasta is so BIG. It is way fun hanging around President Urra, Hermana Urra, the Assistants and the other Zone Leaders. You learn so much being around such great people that are called of God. My friend Elder Gooch is also a Zone leader and so we were able to talk and remeber the good times in Fremont, he will be coming home in December so he is really excited. The weather is getting hotter and hotter each day, I had to buy some glasses that are clear inside but when you are in the sunlight they become dark, like sunglasses, yeah they are way nice, the mission was selling them, I though hmmm, I could spend 40.00 dollars now or thousands to fix my eyes in the future because it is so bright here. So they help a lot. The zone is amazing, I feel so blessed to serve them, we are all trying to reach 4 baptisms and 10 Inactives by the end of the year and so we are all having a fun time helping each other reach our goals. I sure am learing a ton out here, I can`t wait to use it in the future. I don`t have any investigadores that I will tell ya about yet, but the work is progressing, which is great to think that we just got here 3 weeks ago and opened this sector. The Lord is guiding us to everyone. I`m sorry I don`t have much time to write you now, I have to write President about everyone of the missionaries first and how they are and then I can write you, so it is hard to get into detail with ya, but I just hope you know I love you all and pray for ya every day and night and so does everyone else out here. Have a great and successful week and have fun in the snow. I will talk to ya later. Love, Elder McKay B. Jackson

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